Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sleeping through the night

Finally I am letting mommy and daddy sleep through the night. Most likely go to bed at 930pm and wake up at around 5a...only one day I lasted until 6a and I ALWAYS wake up VERY HUNGRY.

Monday, June 22, 2009

I am too little for this eating table:(
Tyler has a new friend called MICO courtesy of Peruvian Trend by Patricia de los Rios.
Tyler & his new friend MICO

Happy Father's Day

We wish you ALL : HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

1st photo session

Mommy and me had our 1st photoshoot taken by professional photographer Sandro Gomez and eventhough it took sometime to have all set up and ready, I did my best to look good on all pictures:) Mommy wore lots of make up to avoid the dark circles and wrinkles...hehehe.

The Brooks Family
ok finally the last picture...YEAYYYY

YES! I want to know when is this photoshoot gonna be over:(

Friday, June 12, 2009

Grabbing my bottle

I am learning to grab my bottle. Hopefully it will easier and easier.


Did you hear the phrase LIKE FATHER - LIKE SON?. This is just the begining.

Meeting Madrina Becky & Padrino Sam

Madrina Becky and Padrino Sam, came to meet me. We spend time playing, went for a walk and lunch to Alexandria, VA.

I turned three months while my padrinos were visiting and I showed them how I am learning to eat my 1st bowl of rice cereal
Madrina Becky feeding me:)

Meeting the family & more friend

I can't remember how many people I met while I was in Peru. I am glad there are pictures so I can ask mommy who is who:)
with mommy's cousin Carol and family
With my aunt Mirella & Auncle Christian

With my auncle Enrique and my cousin Jennifer

With Mommy's highschool friend Patricia

With mommy's good friend Patricia Tode

With mommy's friend JuanJO and his son Mariano

With my auncle ERICK

With Aunt Betsy

My padrino Ellyot loved playing with me although he did not have much time. I missed him when he left for fours days to go to AREQUIPA. I already miss him, too:(

Visiting Grandpa Factory

While visiting Grandpa PAPA JUAN's factory, even BUBU the dog tried to play with me; sometimes he was jelous of PAPA JUAN playing with me. I also went around the factory learning about the big machines, smelling some of the acids and meeting Grandpa employees.
Bubu trying to say HI and playing with me.

My 1st trip to Peru

Clearly Vania said : Tyler is too heavy, take him away:(

Vania tried to hold me:)

One of the main things I came to do to Peru was to meet grandma' MAMA IDA and spend time with grandpa' Juan (the pictures speak for themselves)

During an afternoon girly tea party organized by grandma - MAMA IDA. I had the opportunity to meet lots of my aunts. See pictures below.
YES! I had enough...mommyyyy HELPPPPP!!! Ohh I know mom is taking a break:):(

With mommy and aunt Amelia

Aunt Ana Maria & Aurora playing with me

with all my aunts

With my aun Haydee

With my aunt Angelica Calderon

With my madrina Fabiola

In this picture I am with father Richie & my Peruvian Padrino Ellyot
I had a pre-baptized ceremony at my grandparents house
I slept pretty well on the airplane
The 1st week of June 2009, I traveled to Peru with my mommy. It was great to have the opportunity to meet my family and new friends.